Blueberry3D frequently asked questions
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THEME : Questions techniques
- What is procedural geometry?
"Geometrical shapes created programmatically only when needed". By actually generating the geometry at run time, highly complex 3D databases can be used in a real-time application. Advanced level of detail controls ensures that a set frame rate is maintained while the image complexity is kept at the highest possible level.
- What happens to my 3D database if I want to upgrade my hardware?
As the geometry is created at run-time, more detail will be added when the system has better performance. It is also possible to tweak the system for different hardware configurations as well as how the observer is moving in the environment. The same is true if the database is moved to a low end system, you can still run the application but with less fidelity.
- Can I import my Open Flight files?
Yes, Blueberry3D fully supports the Open Flight file format and there are several tutorials available regarding how to add Blueberry3D features to existing terrain databases.
- What is fractal generated terrain?
In order to create natural looking environments that stretches hundreds of miles, Blueberry3D employs advanced fractal algorithms to mimic nature as realistically as possible. Trees and bushes are created from unique instances where none two are the same. Trees and vegetation is also dispersed naturally, creating glades and beach areas where appropriate. It is not only vegetation that uses fractals, but the ground itself where materials have different density and erosion due to a wide variety of material characteristics.
- Does objects (trees for instance) remain at the same location each time?
Yes, as each object contains a fractal seed with information about it's location and exact geometrical shape, it will be placed at exactly the same location unless otherwise modified.
- Can I use geo-referenced images and elevation data?
Yes, Blueberry3D combines geo-specific information with synthetic terrain to create much higher levels of fidelity than the source data contains. This is achieved by adding material classes to surface areas in the terrain that corresponds to the satellite image data.
- Why do I need a special run-time engine to view my Blueberry3D database?
Blueberry3D uses procedural geometry to render the incredibly complex environments found in a Blueberry3D database. This technology is quite new to the simulation community and has some very advanced features such as advanced level of detail handling that only can be managed by a dedicated run-time system. The Blueberry3D Runtime Environment extends the feature set available to the developer while at the same time ensuring complete access to all existing functionality.
- Does my choice of motion model change the behavior of Blueberry3D?
Yes, as the system takes into account such issues as acceleration, turning speed and maximum velocity in order to render a complex environment as quickly as possible it is important to optimize the system for different motion models. Blueberry3D can for example handle helicopter motion models extremely well.